Education for Peace
"Education for Peace" is one of the UN's themes for Peace Day. It calls for us to share our knowledge and hopes and to invite others to become peacemakers.

From Education and engagement may be two of the best ways to build a culture of peace. And Peace Day is a great way for college and university students to join with young people around the world and make their voices heard for peace. Students can organize peace activities on their own or through campus clubs, based on their interests — volunteering and service; music, art, film; intercultural dialogue and understanding; speakers on topics related to peace, cultural celebrations like Poems for Peace, faith gatherings, peace walks, flash mobs, etc. Students can also make a difference by encouraging their professors to devote some class time during the weeks surrounding September 21 to peace-related topics that are also related to course curriculum.
Poems can begin that education!
Some Poems for Peace Poets and Peace-Makers